
Important to Know before you Go


515 000
Euro (EUR)
Drives on the:
Time zone:
GMT +1

Visa & Entry

Any Traveler must have a passport which is valid for at least six months after your entry date, and at least 90 days after your return date. Canadian, European Union and US passport holders do not need a visa to enter Malta for stays up to 90 days, It is recommanded to check with the Consulate in your country before traveling


Malta enjoys a high standard of medical care. The general hospital isMater Dei, but there are government health clinics in various towns. Persons who are receiving medical treatment and who may need to carry medications into Malta or purchase fresh supplies locally would be well advised to arm themselves with a letter of introduction from their doctor. Malta has special clinics for diabetic sufferers and pharmacies generally stock a wide variety of diabetic products.


Malta is blessed with one of the most agreeable climates in the Mediterranean. The weather is warm even in winter. Between April and September there is virtually non-stop sunshine. The hottest period is mid-July to the end of September, but the nights are tempered by cool breezes from the surrounding sea. The average summer temperature (May-October) is 23° C whilst that of winter (November-April) averages 11° C.


Since weather can be unpredictable and to be sure you are comfortable during your trip and prepared for all types of weather possibilities, we suggest that you carry a small folding umbrella or a poncho and take with you a light jacket or sweater. bring at least one pair of comfortable walking shoes, by all means. Finally, remember that comfort and convenience should dictate your wardrobe for the tour, and casual clothes are in order for most every occasion as you travel.

Credit Cards & Money

Banks Usually open from 0830 hrs to 1230 hrs from Monday to Friday, and up to 1130 hrs on a Saturday. Foreign exchange facilities are available at the Airport on a 24-hour basis, all year round and facilities are also available at the banks. Available also are a number of Automated Teller Machines situated in the major commercial and tourist areas.


Shops are usually open between 0900 and 1900 hours. However, in commercial areas frequented by tourists, most shops remain open until approximately 2200 hours. Shops are closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. There are open-air markets, one day a week, in most towns and villages. The largest is the Marsaxlokk market on Sunday mornings. Major Credit Cards, Travellers Cheques and Eurocheques are accepted at most leading shops and restaurants

Electricity & Power

240 volts. You will most likely need a voltage converter and plug adapter in order to use your appliances, even though some outlets will correspond to American plug types and voltages. We recommend getting a universal adapter and converter kit.

Cell Phones & Internet

Want to take your cell phone, tablet or laptop, but not sure how to get cell service or wifi? Check in google world connections before


Cameras and video recorders are permitted, and photography is generally permitted everywhere except at airports and military installations. Memory cards for digital cameras will be available in major shopping sites

For your info

For a few chunks of rock in the southern Mediterranean, Malta is a hugely versatile destination. Like its unique language, the country is an intriguing blend of Italian, Arabic and British influences, a legacy of centuries of invasion and assimilation