
Important Info to Know before you travel


1.1 Billion
Indian rupee (INR)
Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali, Kashmiri, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu, English
Drives on the:
Time zone:
GMT +5:30

Visa & Entry


According to the WHO, all areas lower than 2,000 meters (6,561 feet), including cities are considered high-risk areas for malaria. The cities of Delhi and Bombay are also risk areas. Consult your physician about inoculations and the use of antimalarial drugs.


When traveling to India, November thru March is the best time to visit. Temps in the north are between 5-20° C and temps in the south are between 18-30° C. March-June is dry and very, very hot. June-October is monsoon time. When traveling to the mountain region, the months of March, April, October and November are ideal.


It is important to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. It is recommended that women do not wear shorts or halter tops even if it is very hot. Jeans, slacks, or skirts are recommended, and T-shirts are considered appropriate.

Credit Cards & Money

The local currency in India is the Indian Rupee. Most hotels and upscale stores and restaurants accept major credit cards. However, for “street shopping” you will need local currency. We highly recommend that you bring crisp, new bills in small denominations. Old, torn, crumpled bills are not always accepted.


Shop for wood carvings, fabrics, brassware, copperware, bronzes, silver, fossils and crystals, sandalwood items, paper-mache, paintings and prints, dhurri rugs, dolls, tea, saffron, batiks, carpets, and gems (if you know what to look for).
Bargaining is the norm. Beware of copycat brand-name items and animal products such as skins and horns- they are illegal. And remember to shop at the local markets!

Electricity & Power

230 volts. Plugs C & D. You will need a voltage converter and plug adapter in order to use U.S. appliances. We recommend getting a universal adapter and converter kit.

Cell Phones & Internet

Want to take your cell phone, tablet or laptop, but not sure how to get cell service or wifi? Check in google world connections before


Cameras and video recorders are permitted, and photography is generally permitted everywhere except at airports and military installations. Memory cards for digital cameras will be available in major cities.

For your info

India is home to over 300,000 active mosques, outnumbering any other country in the world.
The classic game of Chess was invented in India.
At approximately 3,287,263 sq. km. with a population of 1.3 billion people, there is only one-time zone across all of India.
India is the world's second largest English speaking country, next to the USA, with around 125 million people speaking the language.
India is the largest vegetarian-friendly country in the world.
With more than 150,000 post offices, India has the largest postal system in the world (3 times the size of that of China!)